Friday 16 January 2015

Camera Shots and Movements

Like any film, Thrillers use a multitude of different camera shots and angles so the audience see only what the director wants them to see, and to evoke certain emotions for certain characters or set of characters at the directors discretion. 

This angle makes the character
look vulnerable (as well as the use of
the prop.)
High Angle Shot: This shot is used to make the character look vulnerable or inferior by belittling them with the angle.

This angle makes the character
look powerful.
Low Angle Shot: This shot has the polar opposite effect as a high angle shot and is used to show power and dominance.

This shot shows the importance
of the ring.

Extreme Close up Shot: This shot is used by directors to highlight a certain area that they want the audience to notice or pay attention too it is often used in the face to show emotions of the character or a prop to highlight it's significance. 
This angle shows the
entirety of an area, showing
the audience the setting.

Birds-Eye View Shot: Often used to establish the setting/location of the area it also gives the audience a 'God-like' view.

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